- 國防醫學院醫學士、部定助理教授
- 美國肯塔基州路易維爾醫學中心克萊爾手外科及顯微手術中心研究員、中華民國手外科醫學會理事、中華民國骨科醫學會會員、中華民國急救加護醫學會會員、中華民國手外科醫學會會員、亞太腕關節醫學會決策理事
- 關節鏡檢查及手術、骨折外傷運動傷害、人工關節置換手術、手外科疾病手術
- Kuang‑Ting Yeh, Jui‑Tien Shih (correspondence), Arthroscopic triangular fbrocartilage complex reconstruction with free tendon graft for chronic distal radioulnar joint instability. Journal of Orthopedic Surgery and Research. (SCI) 2021 16; 678.
- JuiTien Shih, All arthroscopic fovea repair with anchor for athletes. Journal of hand surgery (Europ).(SCI) 2021 46E; S72.
- Jung-Pan Wang, Hui-Kuang Huang Jui-Tien Shih . (correspondence) Arthroscopic-assisted reduction, bone grafting and screw fixation across the scapholunate joint for proximal pole scaphoid nonunion. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (SCI) 2020 21: 834
- Teng-Hui Wang, Jui-Tien Shih. Functional Results after Intramuscular Ulnar Nerve Anterior Transposition for Young Adults Patients. The Journal of Hand Surgery (Asian-Pacific Volume) 24, No. 04, 400-404, 2019 )
- Chin-Wei Hsiao, Jui-Tien Shih. Endoscopic transcarpal ligament release combine with platelet-rich plasma for carpal tunnel syndrome. Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders 10 (2019); 106-114.
- Chun-Hsiang Tseng, Jui-Tien Shih. Revision tibial lengthening in a leg length discrepancy patient with autogenous fibula structure cortical bone graft and internal plate fixation without associated external fixator: a case report. Medical Journal of South Taiwan. 2019; 15: 62-67
- Chun-Lang Kuoa,b, Sheng-Tsai Hunga,b, Hung-Maan Leea,c,d, Bo-Jian Lina,b,c, Jui-Tien Shiha, (correspondence) Autogenous palmaris longus tendon grafting for rupture of extensor pollicis longus tendon after distal radius fractures. Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders 8 (2017) 114-122
- Teng-Hui Wang, Ta-Wei Pu, Sheng-Tsai Hunga, Jui-Tien Shih (correspondence). Intramuscular hemangioma mimicking cubital tunnel syndrome: A case report
Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders 8, 39-42, 2017.
- Jui-Tien Shih Functional results post arthroscopic TFCC reconstruction in chronic DRUJ instability. Journal of hand Surgery (Europ)(SCI) 41: 48, supplement, 2016
- Chih-Wei Hsiao, Jui-Tein Shih (correspondence), Sheng-Tsai Hung Concurrent carpal tunnel syndrome and pronator syndrome: a retrospective study of 21 cases. Orthopaedic and Traumatology. Surgery and Research (SCI) 10, 2016.
- Min-Yao Chuang1, Chang-Hung Huang2,3, Yung-Chang Lu1,2,4* and Jui-Tien Shih5* (correspondence) Arthroscopic partial trapeziectomy and tendon interposition for thumb carpometacarpal arthritis. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (SCI)10:184. 2015
- JuiTien Shih. Complications following palmar plate fixation of distal radius fractures: a review of 434 cases. The Journal of Hand Surgery (SCI), European volume. 39E. Supple. 1, June 2014 13-14.
- JuiTien Shih. Arthroscopic reduction and soft tissue management for young adult patients with distal radius fractures. The Journal of Hand Surgery (SCI), European volume. 39E. Supple. 1, June 2014 13-14.
- Chun-Lang Kuo, Hung-Maan Lee, Jui-Tien Shih. (correspondence) Functional Results of Arthroscopic Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Reconstruction in Chronic Distal Radioulnar Joint Instability. Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders 3 (2013) 59-64.
- Wei-Yu Shih, Kuo-Chung Cheng, Sheng-Tsai Hung, Hung-Maan Lee, Jui-Tien Shih. Clinical Results of Shulder Arthroscopy combined with an Open Modified Latarjet Procedure for Chronic Anterior Shoulder Instability with Glenoid Bony Loss. Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders 3 (2012) 126-131.
- Hung-Mann Lee, Lueng-Shing Lee, Sheng-Tsai Hung, Jui-Tien Shih, Yui-Jun Ho. Functional Outcome of Double-bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders 3 (2012) 88-93.
- Tso-Cheng Chang, Jui-Tien Shih. Intraneural Ganglion of the Ulnar Nerve. Fomosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders 3 (2012) 108-110.
- Hung-Mann Lee, Lueng-Shing Lee, Sheng-Tsai Hung, Jui-Tien Shih, Yui-Jun Ho. Functional Outcome of Double-bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders 3 (2012) 88-93.
- Wei-Yu Shih, ST Hung, JT Shih, HM Lee, YJ Ho. Comparison of arthroscopic treatment with conservative treatment for acute first-time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation in a high-demand population, Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2 16-19, 2011.
- Chu PJ, Shih JT. Arthroscopically Assisted Use of Injectable Bone Graft Substitutes for Management of Scaphoid Nonunions. Arthroscopy: The Journal of arthroscopic and Related Surgery. (SCI) Vol 27, No 1, 2011: 31-37.
- Yi-Ho Hsieh, JT Shih (correspondence), HM Lee, YJ Ho. Ultrasonography of Median Nerve Mobility in the Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders.1 16-19, 2010.
- Chu PJ, Lee HM, Hung ST, Shih JT. Roentenographic assessment of the degree of ulnar variance after triangular fibrocartilage complex tear and their correlation with arthroscopic finding. J. Orthop Surg Taiwan 26: 157-161, 2009.
- Tsuei YW, Cheng KC, Shih JT, Lee HM, Hung ST. Easily Missed Fracture-Dislocations of the CMC Joints Influenced by Concurrent Metacarpal Fracture. J. Orthop Surg Taiwan 26: 13-17, 2009
- Chu PJ, Shih JT, Hou YT, Hung ST, Chen JK, Lee HM. Osteochondritis dissecans of the glenoid: a rare injury secondary to repetitive microtrauma. Journal of (SCI) 2009 Sep;67(3):E62-4.
- Po-Jung Chu, Hung-Maan Lee, Li-Jung Chung, Jui-Tien Shih (corresponding author). Electrothermal Treatment of Thumb Basal Joint Instability. Arthroscopy- The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery. (SCI). March;25(3):290-5. 2009.
- Lueng-shing Lee, Hung-Maan Lee, Yao-Tung Hou, Sheng-Tsai Hung, Jung-Kuei Chen, Jui-Tien Shih (corresponding author). Surgical Outcome of Volar Plate Arthroplasty of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Using the MiteK Micro GII Suture Anchor. Journal of Trauma Injury, Infection, and Critical Care 2008 July: 116-122.
- Po-Jung Chu, Hung-Maan Lee, Yao-Tung Hou, Sheng-Tsai Hung, Jui-Tien Shih (corresponding author). Stabilization of the Proximal Ulnar Stump after the Darrach or Sauvé-Kapandji Procedure by Using the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Tendon. Hand (N Y). 2008 May 2.
- Yi-Ho Hsieh, HM Lee, JT Shih, ST Hung. Safe Posterolateral Approach for Proximal Radial Surgery Determined by Dynamic Ultrasound. J. Orthrop Surg Taiwan 25: 109-112, 2008.
- Po-Jung Chu, Hung-Maan Lee, Yao-Tung Hou, Sheng-Tsai Hung, Jung-Kuei Chen, Jui-Tien Shih (corresponding author). Extensor-tendons reconstruction using autogenous palmaris longus tendon grafting for rheumatoid arthritis patients. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2008, 3:16
- Jui-Tien Shih, Sheng-Tsai Hung, Jung-Kuei Chen, Hung-Maan Lee. Functional Results post Intramuscular Ulnar nerve Anterior Transposition in Military Soldiers. J. Orthop Surg Taiwan 24: 93-97, 2007.
- Bo-Jain Lin, Jui-Tien Shih, Hung-Maan Lee. Clinical Experience using a Reverse Homodigital Island Flap in Nearby Fingertip Reconstruction. J Med Sci 27 (3): 109-112, 2007.
- Jung-Kuei Chen, Hung-Maan Lee, Jui-Tien Shih, Sheng-Tsai Hung. Combined Extraforaminal and Intradiscal Cement. Spine (SCI) 32, 12: 358-62. 2007.
- Kuo-Chung Cheng, Hung-Man Lee, Sheng-Tsai Hung, Jui-Tien Shih . Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using an autologous composite tendon graft for an animal study—A biomechanical analysis. J. Ortho Surg Taiwan 23: 35-44, 2006
- Jui-Tien Shih, H.M. Lee. Monopolar radiofrequency electrothermal shrinkage of the scapholunate ligament. Arthroscopy- The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery. (SCI). May;22(5):553-7. 2006.
- Jui-Tien Shih, M. Lee. Results Post-Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Reconstruction with Extensor Carpi Ulnaris With or Without Ulnar Shortening in Chronic Distal Radioulnar Joint Stability. Hand Surgery (SCI), 10:2, 1-8. 2005
- Tsu-Min Tsai, Jui-Tien Shih, I-Chen Chen. Chapter 16: Joint Transfer. The Mutilated Hand. Elsevier Mosby. 225-237, 2005.
- Jui-Tien Shih, Hung-Maan Lee, Yao-Tung Hou, and Chuan-Ming Tan. Results of Arthroscopic Reduction and Percutaneous Fixation for Acute Displaced Scaphoid Fractures. Arthroscopy, The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery. (SCI) May, 620-626, 2005.
- Shih Jui-Tien, Lee HM, Hou YT, Horng ST, Tan CM. Dorsal capsulodesis and ligamentoplasty for chronic pre-dynamic and dynamic scapholunate dissociation. Hand Surgery. (SCI) Dec;8(2):173-8. 2003.
- Lee HM, Liau JJ, Cheng CK, Tan CM, Shih Jui-Tien. Evaluation of shoulder proprioception following muscle fatigue. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon).(SCI) Nov;18(9):843-7, 2003.
- Lin MS, Lee HM, Hou YT, Shih Jui-Tien, Tan CM. Treatment of tibial pilon fractures using the Link May Anatomic Bone Plate. J Chin Med Assoc. Jul;66(7):423-8, 2003.
- Murata K, Shih Jui-Tien, Tsai TM. Causes of ulnar tunnel syndrome: a retrospective study of 31 subjects. J Hand Surgery (SCI) [Am]. Jul;28(4):647-51, 2003.
- Shih Jui-Tien, Lee HM, Hou YT, Tan CM. Early Isolated Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tears: Management by Arthroscopic Repair. Journal of Trauma (SCI). Nov. 2002.
- Shih Jui-Tien, Hon SG, Lee HM, Tan CM : Dorsal Ganglion of Wrist : Results of Treatment by Arthroscopic Resection. Hand Surgery (SCI) July. 2002.
- Shih Jui-Tien, Lee HM, Hou YT, Tan CM: Arthroscopically-Assisted Reduction of Intra-Articular Fractures and Soft Tissue management of Distal radius. Hand surgery (SCI). Dec. 2001.
- Shih Jui-Tien, Hon SG, Lee HM, Hou YT, Tan CM: Arthroscopic resection of dorsal ganglion of wrist. J of orthopaedic surgery ROC. 2000.
- Shih Jui-Tien, Lee HM, Hou YT, Tan CM: Chronic TFCC tears with DRUJ instability-A new method of TFCC reconstruction. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 2000.
- Shih Jui-Tien, Lee HM, Hou YT, Tan CM: Arthroscopic repairs combined with ulnar shortening for delayed treatment of TFCC tears. Journal of orthopaedic surgery, ROC 17:123-132,2000
- Shih Jui-Tien, Lee HM, Tan CM: Arthroscopically-Assisted Reduction of Intra-Articular Fractures and Soft Tissue Management of Distal Radius. Joumal of orthopaedic surgery, ROC 17:63-70,2000
- Shih Jui-Tien, Lee HM, Tan CM: Arthroscopic Repair of Early Isolated Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tears. Joumal Orthopaedic Surgery ROC, 1988; 16:2, 115-123
- Shih Jui-Tien, Lee HM, Tan CM: Surgical Treatment for Mallet Finger-A comparison of Open and closed method. Journal Orthopaedic Surgery ROC, 1987; 15
- Shih Jui-Tien, Lee HM, Tan CM: Immediate Repair for Ruptures of the Anterior Talofibular Ligament. Journal Orthopaedic Surgery ROC, 1987; 15,160-166.
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- Shih Jui-Tien, Cheng GF, Tan CM, Wang GG: Closed Degloving Injuries Results following Conservative Surgery. The Journal of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgical Association ROC, 1995, 24:2, 79-85.
- Shih Jui-Tien, Eaui CS, Wang GG: α-adrenergic Blocker for Prevention and Treatment of Posthemorrhoidectomy Urinary Retention. Joumal of Surgical Association, ROC, 1993; Vo1 26. 4. 1868-1871.
- Shih Jui-Tien, Yu CH, His SC, Cheng HI: Factors Influencing Postoperative Urinary Retention in Patients Undergoing Inguinal Hemiorrhaphy. Journal of Surgical Association, ROC. 1993; Vo1 26, 1, 1559-1562.
- Hung-Maan Lee, Chuan-Ming Tan, Jui-Tien Shih, Yao-Tung Hou. Proprioception in recurrent dislocated and surgically repaired shoulder. J Surg Assoc ROC, 1998; 31:368-379.
- Hung-Maan Lee, Chuan-Ming Tan, Jui-Tien Shih. Arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction-double loops hamstring versus bone-patellar tendon-bone. J Orthop Sur ROC 1998; 15: 183-195.
- Hung-Maan Lee, Yao-Tunf Hou, Jui-Tien Shih, Chung-Ming Tan: A comparison of results in early and late arthroscopic ACL reconstruction using autogenous hamstring tendon. J. Orthop Surg ROC 2000; 17: 17-29.
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