Patients`rights & obligation
- You can receive good medical services and avoid medical hazards in a safe medical environment.
- You can obtain correct and complete medical informa-tion, including your own condition, diagnosis, development of curing process, treatment plan and con-sultation on medicine.
- You can accept or refuse checkup items and methods of cure suggested by doctors.
- You can participate in the process and policy making in diagnosis and medical care and give your opinions and state your requirements and discuss them with medical care personnel.
- Regarding medical care and services, if you have spe-cial demand because of background of language, relig-ion, culture, customs, and habit, the hospital will do its ut-most to provide suitable medical care services especially tailored to your needs.
- Your privacy will be honored and protected.
- You can have your own copies of various checkup re-ports, diagnosis documents and excerpts of medical re-cord, etc. through application.
- Should you have difficulty in paying medical expenses, we are willing to direct you in detail to channels or information which may be helpful.
- The hospital has installed special phone no. to handle complaints. The phone no. is (03)4801601. The hall at outpatients department, various wards and the website of the hospital have all installed superintendent’s letter box. Should you have any complaint regarding medical services, you can file a complaint at any time. This will not jeopardize your medical rights in any way. We wel-come your suggestions.
- We hope that we can actively provide information to medical care personnel your health condition, past his-tory of illness, allergy sources, history of allergy and other relevant information.
- We hope that you understand the danger or damage before making decision to turn down or accept reatment.
- We hope that you respect specialty and do not ask medical care personnel to provide false information or diagnosis documents.
- We hope that you heed doctor’s advice in executing the cure process and relevant care which you have agreed with.
- We hope that you can understand that there is uncer-tainty or limit to medical care and get rid of unrealistic expectations.
- We hope that you can do a good job to further your health and cherish medical resources.
- We hope that you care for the needs of other patients and take care of one another.
- In order to save medical resources, one should see a doctor on time and pay for the expenses which include health insurance expenses