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  • Objectives:
    Strengthen patient services, and with teaching and research activities to enhance the quality of care, and sophisticated patient-centered care operations.
  • Core value:
    Care, safety, quality, respect, innovation.


  • We are convinced that everyone has a need for physical, psychological, spiritual and social balance development. We must work with health care professionals to provide community residents and patients with the whole man, the whole team, the whole family, the whole high-quality and comprehensive medical services, Work together to promote universal health.
  • The morale of professional nurses needs to be enhanced by close cooperation and constant professional development. Therefore, we should pay attention to the implementation of planned education and strengthen nursing research.


  • Critical care:
    Adult intensive care unit a total of 38 beds, neonatal intensive care ward 2 beds, by the care of the care of the nursing staffs to provide you with professional care.
  • Respiratory care:
    15 beds, with professional care and nationally certified respiratory therapists for patient care.
  • Emergency care:
    Provide you with 24 hours of emergency professional care.
  • Hemodialysis:
    29 beds, by the nursing staffs with the expertise of your dialysis services.
  • Surgical care:
    10 operating rooms, the specialist medical team to provide surgical services.
  • Psychiatric care:
    75 beds in acute beds, 100 beds in chronic wards, and home care and day care.
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pediatric Care:
    Gynecology and obstetrics 20 beds, 23 beds in pediatrics, 2 delivery rooms, to provide “whole people, family” warm care.
  • Burns Care:
    Established south Taoyuan’s first “Burn Center” guarded you in May 2001.
  • Long-term care:
    ECommunity health and health education → admission preparation services → hospitalization → discharge preparation services → home care → nursing home (99 beds), to provide you with continuous and full care.
updated date:2022-08-07view:818Back
updated date:2022-08-07view:819Back