CECC confirms 1 more imported COVID-19 case; man found to have COVID-19 after returning to Taiwan from Philippines
Date:2020-06-29On September 6, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced one new confirmed imported case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Taiwan. The new case is a Taiwanese businessman in his 40s (Case #493). The businessman resided in the Philippines for a long time. He returned to Taiwan by himself on September 3.
The case developed a fever, a sore throat, coughing, shortness of breath, chest congestion, and muscle pain on September 1. The case came into contact with his roommate who is a Philippine national and had symptoms. His roommate sought medical attention on September 3, and he was diagnosed with COVID-19. The case voluntarily reported his symptoms to airline staff before boarding his flight to Taiwan. He wore a coverall and mask at all times during his flight. The Taiwanese businessman voluntarily reported his symptoms to airport quarantine officers upon arrival in Taiwan. After he had his specimen collected at the airport, he was taken to a group quarantine facility. Though his first test result came back negative, his symptoms persisted. A second test was ordered for him after the doctor’s assessment. Infection with COVID-19 was laboratory-confirmed in the case on September 6. The case is currently hospitalized in isolation ward for medical treatment.
The CECC reported that a cumulative total of 88,385 cases related to COVID-19 have been reported in Taiwan among which COVID-19 has been ruled out in 87,362. Of these reported cases, infection with COVID-19 was laboratory-confirmed in 493 cases. Of 493 confirmed cases in Taiwan, 401 are imported; 55 are indigenous; 36 are naval crew members aboard the Panshi fast combat support ship; and 1 case has unknown sources of infection. Of the confirmed cases, there have been 7 deaths, and 473 patients have been released from isolation, with the other 13 patients remaining hospitalized in isolation.