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Confirmed cases may be released from isolation after two consecutive negative results of respiratory specimens


On June 17, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can be released from isolation if they meet all three conditions listed below.
1. The lapse of time between a confirmed case’s hospitalization in isolation ward and symptom resolution should be at least three days;
2. The case has two consecutive negative results of respiratory specimens obtained at least 24 hours apart (nasopharyngeal and throat, or sputum, specimens should be collected on the same day, and both specimens must test negative for SARS-CoV-2);
3. There should be a lapse of ten days after the onset of symptoms (a lapse of ten days after an asymptomatic patient tested positive the first time).

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updated date:2020-06-17view:419Back
updated date:2020-06-17view:420Back